
Thursday, December 27, 2018

Marathon Training: Week 13

I can't believe my first marathon is coming up in January! All those last few years of thinking about it and knowing that I wasn't ready to commit to training for one seemed like forever ago, and now it's real and I couldn't be more excited (and nervous - let's not lie here lol!). For the marathon plan I'm following, I chose one for beginner runners who have about a year of running under their belt. While I'm not a beginner, I wanted to work more on hills, technique and speed and I feel that this plan will allow me to do that to a greater extent come January for April's marathon. 

Week 13 made me feel unstoppable! I think it was a mix of a constant runner's high and that great feeling you get when you finally get all your holiday shopping over with and can finally chill.

The week 13 breakdown went like this:

Monday 12/17: 13 miles tonight! I needed to make up for not getting the miles in on the weekend, and they fit perfectly into this Monday. I also got chores done around the house and my car washed after work, so I'd say it was very productive! 

Tuesday 12/18: Rest day! And well deserved, too. 😎

Wednesday 12/19: 2 miles I think...this week was super busy so not sure about today. I'm usually so much better about keeping track of this stuff..

Thursday 12/20: 4 of the longest hotel treadmill miles ever- but I mustered up and did it (with a little help from some You Tube entertainment)! 

Friday 12/21: Today was a rest and hang out with family day. It was constantly go-go-go from 6 am to 11 pm, but overall...awesome day. 

Saturday 12/22: 6 miles today at Memorial Park, and I met my friends up in between that mileage for brunch at Buffalo Grille after they were done running the 12ks of Christmas downtown. Pancakes and a run?? Good day! 

Sunday 12/23: LONG RUN DAY!! 20 miles accomplished! This is the furthest I've run so far and it actually went okay. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

RUN & RID-erful Wednesday

It's important to take stock in life's everyday blessings. Sometimes I have so much going on that focusing on the small things make me smile, as well as force me to live in the moment and not take things for granted. My goal is to set aside one day a week to discuss a favorite quote that currently resonates with me when it comes to running, BMX, or just life in general.

This week's thoughts include:


From sports competitions to academia to work and beyond, this world seems to be full of comparisons. Am I better/faster/stronger than the other person? So I measure up academically (or that other high school worry - Do I look just as cool)? At work we may want to know that we stand out from our peers or if we have what it takes to succeed.

All these things are normal- they just seem to go with the territory and always have, but what about still striving to be our best while simultaneously accepting ourselves, faults and all??? THAT'S the tough part, and sometimes the constant struggle.

When I was in middle school my parents couldn't exactly afford to buy me nice clothes, shoes, etc.. The popular girls at school always looked like fashion models and it took me a long time to realize that I was enough even when I didn't own the best stuff, BUT- when I finally realized it I felt unstoppable! The old adage "the clothes don't make the (wo)man" are very true! Replace "clothes" with any material item and I guarantee you that line still makes sense.

A favorite childhood entertainer, Mr. Rogers, said it best when he said "You're perfect just the way you are.", and that's true. We all have faults and things we wish we could change about ourselves (some we are in control of and some not) but the truth is we are enough. We are worthy of being loved even though we may not like something about ourselves, and embracing the mantra "you are enough" is a step in the right direction to being happy and content. So say it with me.... 💓

Monday, December 17, 2018

Marathon Training: Week 12

I can't believe my first marathon is coming up in January! All those last few years of thinking about it and knowing that I wasn't ready to commit to training for one seemed like forever ago, and now it's real and I couldn't be more excited (and nervous - let's not lie here lol!). For the marathon plan I'm following, I chose one for beginner runners who have about a year of running under their belt. While I'm not a beginner, I wanted to work more on hills, technique and speed and I feel that this plan will allow me to do that to a greater extent come January for April's marathon. 

Week 12 made me feel the most tired and out of sorts I have out of all these weeks, mostly because of the crazy holiday schedule seeping into my mostly chill week, but also because of the mileage pickup and the travel involved. I'm thankful for all of it, but I'm also really tired and lately all I want to do is plan my next bedtime by noon. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon.

The week 12 breakdown went like this:

Monday 12/10: Rest day from running today while my legs heal up and my left foot calms down. I used my downtime after work to get a little Christmas shopping done, and that definitely didn't feel like rest. That's it! I demand a restart for this rest day! Not really though...Monday can go away now. 

Tuesday 12/11: 2 miles in the park today. I was still feeling tired and run down and this was supposed to be a 7 mile run, so I was REALLY bummed to only be able to go 2 when my foot flared up again.

On a side note, WOW- I didn't think I'd even be running two days after doing 17 miles, because usually after half marathons I would take a week off because of sore muscles....Now that I think about it, even though my speed isn't where I want it to be I have come pretty far with everything. Time for a little high five....

Wednesday 12/12: I REDEEMED MYSELF YAAAYYYYYYY!!! 7 miles DONE today and oh boy did it feel great. 

Thursday 12/13: 4 miles outside today. I was tired but it was a nice 98 degrees, so who could possibly say no to a little more running???

Friday 12/14: Today was a rest/travel day. My boyfriend just bought his first house and I'm so beyond excited for him, so today my flight leaves bright and early at 8 am (I know, what was I thinking booking this time?!?! - oh was probably way cheaper) and I got to see the house for the first time today. 

Saturday 12/15: My boyfriend was finishing up moving out of his apartment, so while he was doing that I went down to the little gym there and ran 4 miles on the treadmill. I'm not going to lie and say it was easy, because for the first few miles I had to keep giving myself little mental talks to keep myself on that thing, but all in all I'm proud that I got some mileage in and kept my legs moving even though I was really tired from the traveling. 

Sunday 12/16: Unusual but today was a rest day. It was freezing in KC and there was still so much to be done with my bf's move, so I just chilled today. 

Friday, December 14, 2018

Work Storytime: Neesha

Gather round for another fairytale story time from Erin's magical life...

Right before I transferred to Texas State to get my undergrad degree I worked at an electronics store. It's a pretty popular electronics store, so I won't say the name of it, but chances are everyone at one time has been there. I liked working there just fine; it was a way to save up for college because they liked to give you plenty of hours. I also met a lot of really cool people there, including a childhood friend I had lost contact with, and that was the best!

I started out working in the area that sold CDs (I forget what it's called now, maybe Media). The skinny, awkward, somehow married manager of that section, Casey, had pretty severe OCD, so if your team happened to close the store with him, everyone had to put up with several after-hours worth of watching him painstakingly line each CD and game up with razor-like precision, only to walk by it and do it all over again, complete with a judgmental glare for the rest of us. I couldn't take much more of that so I ended up transferring to be a cashier. 

I had fun as a cashier; the co-workers were awesome and I enjoyed talking to the customers. Eventually management shifted and changed and that's where my actual story begins...

Part I

Our section had several different managers, Rhonda, Neesha and Kim. They all reported to the head manager, Marcus. Kim was always joking around and super fun to work with. She loved to laugh and got along with everyone. Rhonda and Neesha were best friends; they were both from Jamaica but aside from that they were night and day. Rhonda was really nice and kind to everyone, laid back, and seemed to enjoy life. Neesha was not nice to you unless you were Rhonda or another manager, and tweaked her work outfit to be super skintight khakis with knee high stiletto boots. She had a shaved head and the middle of her teeth had that model-esque gap in them. Neesha seemed to go out of her way to be mean to every cashier, and no one really knew why. We still had fun though.

One day I was ringing up a customer who had a little kid in her cart. He must have been about 3 or 4 years old. Nesha was standing at the front watching me struggle with an ever growing line, giving her usual glare. At one point she finally went to a register next to me to help with the customers. Right then the little boy points at me, and in a sing song voice (almost like he was talking to a pet), he says "Who's the pretty girl? Who's the pretty girl? YOU ARE!" At this point I'm trying not to laugh because Neesha is by now dead staring at me. The little boy's mother is trying to shush him quietly, and suddenly he starts up again with "Who's the pretty girl?" Then he turns around to Neesha, points at her, and yells, "YOU'RE NOT!". His mother is mortified, and I'm trying to keep a straight face (after being treated so badly by her I couldn't help it). Neesha begins to leave as his mother tells him, "Now you apologize to that lady." At this point Neesha turns around and waits for his apology. He looks back and forth from her to his mother several times, trying to figure out what to do, then freaks out at the thought of apologizing, refusing vehemently to do so and almost begins to cry. Neesha walks off and the boy's mother picks him up and carries him out of the store as he quickly became happy again, smiled, and blew a kiss as they turned the corner and were out the door.

It was bizarre (and funny). But that's not where this story ends.

Part II

Not long after this happened Neesha began going out of her way to badmouth me and give me bad ratings when our reviews came up, etc. Several times I tried talking to the manager, Marcus, about it, and each time he would vehemently defend her and tell me that I was making things up. I never understood why he would do that, especially since he was never there to actually see what she was doing, until one day the WHOLE story came out to me from a co-worker. Apparently word spread faster than ice cream melting in August.

The whole time this had been going on, Marcus had been cheating on his wife with Neesha. They had been sneaking around for a long time. Then one day, and no one really knew why, Neesha got in a fight with Rhonda and had Marcus fire her, which he did. Little did they both know, but Rhonda had gotten her hands on a certain "movie" that Neesha and Marcus had made. Rhonda blackmailed Marcus and Neesha and told them that if they didn't get her another management job at another location, she would call corporate as well as give the video to Marcus's wife.

A few days after that news, I left to go to school in San Marcos for the Fall semester, but a few months later I was back in town with some of my best friends. We happened to go into another location of the same electronics store where I had worked, and the minute I stepped in the door I heard my name. I looked around and WHO was walking toward me smiling? RHONDA! I was actually really happy to see her, and we hugged and talked for a few minutes- just small talk. I never saw any of them again after that.

OH- and the most important part of this story, YES! I DID use my employee discount to get a TV for my student apartment. I know you were wondering. And a DVD player too (not Bluetooth though, because college student paying her own way here). It was awesome.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

RUN & RID-erful Wednesday

It's important to take stock in life's everyday blessings. Sometimes I have so much going on that focusing on the small things make me smile, as well as force me to live in the moment and not take things for granted. My goal is to set aside one day a week to discuss a favorite quote that currently resonates with me when it comes to running, BMX, or just life in general.

This week's thoughts include:


This might sound weird to you, but when I was little I was afraid to show people that I was trying hard to accomplish my goals, especially in sports. Somehow I thought that if it looked like I was having a hard time (e.g. "trying hard") doing something, even if I accomplished it, that it would make me look weak. I was good at things, but I was also only confident in doing them if it looked like I could breeze right through it. I'm not sure why I thought this way, because now when I try my hardest or I see others trying their hardest to accomplish something I see it as strong and inspirational. I think putting yourself out there and trying hard actually takes a lot of guts, and being a shy kid maybe it took awhile to develop that sense of security. Without our dreams we have little to work hard for, so never let anyone tell you your dream is silly. Keep dreaming, and never be afraid to work hard (or to let others see how hard your working). Never give up!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Marathon Training: Week 11

I can't believe my first marathon is coming up in January! All those last few years of thinking about it and knowing that I wasn't ready to commit to training for one seemed like forever ago, and now it's real and I couldn't be more excited (and nervous - let's not lie here lol!). For the marathon plan I'm following, I chose one for beginner runners who have about a year of running under their belt. While I'm not a beginner, I wanted to work more on hills, technique and speed and I feel that this plan will allow me to do that to a greater extent come January for April's marathon. 

With the nice crisp and cool weather, week 11 felt great even though a few of my runs got cut pretty short. This was another busy week at work and since the BMX tracks are pretty consistently rained out, running was much needed. I actually like running when it's darker out, as long as I'm doing it in an area where I feel safe. The amount of sunscreen I put on alone in the Summer and Fall could have kept Target in business. 

The week 11 breakdown went like this:

Monday 12/3: Rest Day. 

Tuesday 12/4: 6 miles at the park. It was dark by the time I got there, which is pretty normal nowadays, but there were plenty of soccer and softball games going on inside the running trail perimeters, so I felt very safe, not to mention I got to check out some of the games as I ran by! There were about 3 other runner's on the trail, so about every 8 minutes I would cross someone's path. I'm glad I wasn't the only one out there.

Wednesday 12/5: Rest day today. I needed to get some things done around the house so today made for a good rest day. No regrets. 

Thursday 12/6: Only 2 miles today due to a hectic day and staying late at work. I tried to go to the park, but the soccer games had ended and going around the path I swear I heard a weird sound in the wooded area, like a metal click sound where no metal click sounds should ever be, so I ran my butt back to the car and called it at only one lap around (2 miles). I've learned a long time ago to listen to my intuition, and that if something seems wrong, chances are it is. Better safe than sorry. And it's also the perfect opportunity for a Monty Python GIF. 😊

Friday 12/7: Today was a long standing hair appointment that I had already rescheduled twice, so aside form it being labeled as a rest day, it was hair day. I was so happy with how it turned out! No more bad hair days (for awhile, anyways). 😎


Saturday 12/8: 2.3 miles on the treadmill. I went to the gym to cancel my membership since I have been loving the cooler outdoor running our winters have to offer. I also bought a few weights to use at home so I'm set there, too. I have some plans for switching it up and keeping it fun in 2019, so am really looking forward to that. I was trying for 5 miles but wasn't feeling it, and that alone made me happy that I had decided to cancel.

Sunday 12/9: LONG RUN DAY WOOHOO!! 17 miles in the park. My friend Robyn ran with me for the first 7.6 miles, and without her I don't know what I would've done. I learned with this that long runs with friends make it so much better. Overall I did pretty well with my longest run to date. I am nursing a sore foot from running on some uneven lumps on the trail, but it's getting better and other than that I'm feeling great! 

Friday, December 7, 2018

Holiday Shopping

Just a few more weeks to go until Christmas!!!

In an effort to avoid getting any mail order packages stolen this holiday season, I am making more of an effort to go to the store and buy gifts in person. So far I have bought nada. I don't know what it is about some Christmases; there have been years where I've been done shopping in October, but this year is NOT one of those years. 

This Christmas I'm not going to be spending a lot, but to help out with getting organized I've started putting together a list of where to go and what to get- this way it cuts my shopping time down and minimizes me forgetting something and having to go back. I am actually excited about getting everything done this weekend, and am crossing my fingers and hoping that the track is open for a little riding after. 

Christmas shopping strategy! Ha! 

There is also a possible get together with friends and a 17 mile run I need to get my butt up for, so this weekend is filling up pretty fast. Whatever the holidays throw, I will be having fun and enjoying wearing my ugly Christmas sweater t-shirts. Because holiday spirit.

What's your favorite thing about the holidays?

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Christmas Gift Ideas

I love everything about the holidays!

I love the gift giving, valued time with family and friends, decorating, pulling out those ugly Christmas sweaters....I mean, what's not to love? Well, maybe the traffic and the hassle that comes with the gift giving season I could do without. That and coming up with the perfect gift. If you have a BMXer or a runner in your life, finding them a gift can sometimes be tough. Usually when someone has been involved in something for a few (or more) years, they seem to have everything they want already. 

If you are looking for a few ideas that won't break the bank, you've come to the right place! Below are just a few suggestions for your favorite BMXers or runners (or me- I'll take this stuff too haha. By the way, nothing is sponsored, I just think this stuff is pretty awesome. 😀 

(Some ideas are more expensive than others, but I tried my best to suggest a variety of stuff.)

*Click anywhere in the description to be taken to the website

Shimano BMX specific clipless pedals

Brooks Levitate Ugly Christmas Sweater shoes

Zensah Socks

Roll Recovery R8

BMX Ugly Christmas Sweater Tee

Hydration pack & NUUN tablets

Yaktrax Ice Grippers

Great for anyone daring to go outside in the snow and ice, and pretty thoughtful too. These tell someone, "I like you enough not to want you to fall."

Ogio Layover 22" Rolling Carry-on

For traveling to that next BMX national in style (or really any trip), this is a pretty sweet piece of luggage. I'm not going to lie, when I look at this it makes me want to plan my next national like...right NOW.

Thanks for letting me share some of my ideas with you! I hope it helped. 😊 What is your dream gift this holiday season?

Monday, December 3, 2018

Marathon Training: Week 10

I can't believe my first marathon is coming up in January! All those last few years of thinking about it and knowing that I wasn't ready to commit to training for one seemed like forever ago, and now it's real and I couldn't be more excited (and nervous - let's not lie here lol!). For the marathon plan I'm following, I chose one for beginner runners who have about a year of running under their belt. While I'm not a beginner, I wanted to work more on hills, technique and speed and I feel that this plan will allow me to do that to a greater extent come January for April's marathon. 

Week 10 felt just tiring. This was a busy week at work and the running helped me burn off stress, but after coming off of vacation mode it's tough to get back into my regular habits. Regardless, I pulled it together and ran my miles, and yes, most of them were HAPPY miles. 😎

The week 10 breakdown went like this:

Monday 11/26: Rest Day. I feel that normally I would be so happy to pick up the mileage again tomorrow, but honestly I feel like this marathon is coming up a bit too fast and with my holiday vacation and feeling not so great, I wonder if I'm ready for what's in store.

Tuesday 11/27: 4 miles in the park. Loved it AND got to try out some AWEOSME leggings from 😎 I LOVE her Instagram and her blog and she was nice enough to send me a pair, and I'm so thankful! They are the cutest, most comfortable leggings I've ever owned. If you want  your own pair, message her on her Instagram @thetruekitchenvixen and she will point you to her online shop! 

I was SO happy when these arrived (except my eyes are still after work super tired eyes lol)!! 

Wednesday 11/28: Rest day woohoo!! I really needed the time after work to clean up around the house and do laundry so this afforded me the time to do all that. I'm all for running every day but there's not enough hours in the day. Don't even get me started on the lack of Christmas shopping going on.

Thursday 11/29: 6 warm, humid and slightly rainy park miles. It was awesome! My speed hasn't picked up yet but I'm feeling stronger each and every time I go out there.

Friday 11/30: Rest day again, but that was cool because I used this time after work to finish up laundry and pack for the weekend. 

Saturday 12/1: 4 miles early this morning, then I got in the car (thank goodness for packing on Friday) and made the 3 hour trip to San Antonio to pick Yuan up at the airport and meet Jess and her mom up at the Rock n Roll Marathon expo and to pick up our race packets. This race sort of crept up on both of us when we realized it was this weekend. That's what you get for pre-signing last Summer sometime during national running day to save money. 😂

Sunday 12/2: Rock n Roll Half Marathon San Antonio day!!!! Yay!!! I've always wanted to run one of these and I wasn't disappointed. I'll talk about the whole experience in another blog, but it was definitely worth going!

The trick to running haha! 

We got to meet Des Linden, winner of the 2018 Boston Marathon!! How cool is that?!?!

Friday, November 30, 2018

Friday Feels

It's Friday! Happy Friday! 😎

You know that feeling when you want to celebrate and sleep at the same time? Yeahhh you do.

I always love Fridays, but some days it holds SO much more value, like today. It's been a long stressful week with so much is going on. I'm trying to recover from a lost week of work due to vacation and I'm just not feeling my absolute best and brightest. I'm excited to run the Rock N Roll Half Marathon this weekend with my boyfriend and friends, but right now all I can hope to accomplish is more laundry, packing and a nap. Time to get rested up for this weekend!