
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

RUN/RID-erful Wednesday

It's important to take stock in life's everyday blessings. Sometimes I have so much going on that focusing on the small things make me smile, as well as force me to live in the moment and not take things for granted. My goal is to set aside one day a week to discuss a favorite quote or theme that currently resonates with me when it comes to running, BMX or just life in general.

This week's thoughts include:

Roll with the punches.
Ask anyone around you- your family, friends, anyone- if every single thing they planned for themselves in their life worked out. Chances are you will get a resounding NO. You may get a yes, but I haven't met one of those people yet, and I assume my chances of doing so are on the same level as seeing a unicorn prance across my path as I pedal my happy butt down the BMX track in a cloud of dust.
Since it's always been a given that we're not all able to get what we want all the time, the most important thing to do in a non-ideal situation is to stop feeling sorry for yourself, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, take ownership in whatever actions on your part got you there, learn from it, and move the heck on already. I don't know about you, but I learn the most when I end up failing at something (not that we TRY to fail). I have fallen countless times on the bike track over the years, but that's what elbow and knee pads and a helmet are for, and in the end I clean my scrapes and cuts and learn from it. The same goes for anything else, weather it's an overcooked meal, a failed friendship, a new idea for training or dropping the ball on a more professional level.

Being flexible can be one of our greatest strengths. So when life throws a plot twist your way, try your best to roll with it. It's okay to be sad or to take a minute to regroup, but I, for one, refuse to constantly piss and moan and cry about something when I can be out there working hard and fighting for what I want. And I'm guessing you do, too. So who's with me? 😎 Happy hump day everyone! 

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