
Monday, February 18, 2019

Marathon Training - Big Sur (10 weeks out)

I can't believe my 2nd marathon is already happening in April! I'm a little less nervous this time around, and I went over things to figure out what worked and what didn't. Since I don't have as long to begin to completely re-train with mileage, etc., I'm taking an intermediate training plan and modifying it to meet my needs. I want to work more on hills, technique and speed and I feel that this allows me to reach those goals in a shorter time period. 

10 weeks out

Monday 2/11 Rest day today. I tried going to the gym and did about a mile of speedwork until I gave up and went home. I should have listened to my body in the first place. Slept about 10 hours. 

Tuesday 2/12 6 miles at the park. I took my new Brooks Ghosts out for a spin and was really impressed with this newer model. The stiffer soles were just what I needed and I shaved nearly a minute of my mile time!

Wednesday 2/13 Weights today, mostly core and arms at home. 

Thursday 2/14 6 more miles in the park today. My time was a bit slower but it was also a lot warmer (70 degrees) and pretty windy. It was a great run though, I felt unstoppable! 

Sweaty post run photo? You bet! Haha!

Friday 2/15 Racing at Pearland BMX. I missed this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What my car's backseat looks like on weekends 💓

Saturday 2/16 Spin class with a friend today. Working on those quick feet and uphill climbs! 

When you feel like flying

Sunday 2/17 "Long Run Day" 10 miles in the park. I stopped a lot on this one. My body hated the humidity and I find it's always hard to push myself during these runs, but I'm really proud because I didn't give in and I got it done! 

Tiffany blue diy nails for today!

That was a tiring week! McLovin votes for nap time. 💓😸

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