
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

RUNderful Wednesday

The middle of the week is here, WOOHOO!!!! We've made it this far guys, so SMILE. 😊😊 I've been thinking about attitude and positivity, and how to keep it going even when times get tough, and what I've learned is that there is no simple answer. However, YOU are responsible for your own happiness; no one else can do it for you. I love reading funny or inspirational things, whatever makes me smile or think about something in a different way. My pick of the week is:

The older I get and the more I grow, the more I dislike drama. Just be yourself. Remember that quote, "your vibe attracts your tribe". 

Maybe somebody doesn't like you because you're good at something, or because you are a tough competitor, or maybe because they have it in their head that you somehow have so much and have never had to work for it. It's strange, it really is, and in the past when this has happened to me I agonized over it, trying everything I could to get my "friend" back. It wasn't until later that I began to worry less about what someone else thought and concentrate more about just being me, my happiness, and doing my own thing. When this happened I suddenly found myself in the midst of some truly great people. It's funny how that happens! 

May your day be full of No Drama Llamas. You are AWESOME, and just do you!!

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