
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

RUNderful Wednesday

The middle of the week is here, and we've made it this far, so we have a lot to be thankful for. Sometimes it's large and life changing and sometimes it's very small. It's the little things that count, right? 😊 I've been thinking a lot lately about attitude and positivity, and how to keep it going even when times may be tough, and there really is no simple answer. During rough times (or even good ones!), it's beneficial to remind ourselves of something positive in our lives, things we love. Today I'm going to talk about something that makes me HAPPY: 

I love the feeling of happiness that comes over me when I'm running on an empty (or nearly empty) trail (and if it's dirt, all the better). I feel a big sense of adventure and so capable being out there! Being in nature gives me the type of clarity and peace I can't find anywhere else. On one of my favorite trails I can get about 3 miles in on the dirt, and it opens up into a big valley covered in grass and flowers. There's a bench looking over it, and on the way back from my weekend runs I love to just sit on that bench for a minute, eat my GU Gel and think about how lucky I am to be there.

What makes the day RUNderful for you? 

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